Good Friday – Gifts to Help Coworkers End Lent

If you’re looking for a gift for coworkers ending Lent, you’ll need to understand what they’ve gone through during the last several weeks. If you’re Catholic, you’ll clearly understand what it means to go through the entire process – as well as the amount of celebration that comes on Good Friday. If not, you’ll really need to put yourself in their shoes.

Christians, and Catholics in particular, practice lent by giving something up for 40 weekdays. This can be just about anything – be it a certain type of food, video games, and even sex. The entire practice is designed to help enforce the spiritual acts of self-discipline taught in the holy gospel. By successfully completing the practice, followers of the Christian faith are imitating Jesus Christ’s 40 days of fasting before starting his ministry.

Even though the practice is designed to help reinforce the lessons taught in the bible, it’s tough. Even the most devout Christians can struggle to get through Lent each year. When you decide to buy a gift for coworkers on Good Friday, you’ll need to tread carefully – you wouldn’t want your gift to offend their sensibilities. Since it’s a religious practice, that can be all too easy to do. [Read more…]

Buy Your Coworker a Faux Window

What do you do when you pull someone’s name in the office gift exchange, and you know absolutely nothing about them? Are you supposed to suddenly spark up a conversation out-of-the-blue to pry for ideas? Obviously this would more than give the surprise away that you have their name, if you have never exchanged more than a simple hello. While you may not care to ruin the surprise, some people actually like them! If you are looking for a gift idea for coworkers that is just as perfect for your best friend in the office as it is for a perfect stranger, you may want to simply buy your coworker a faux window. [Read more…]

Funny Gifts for Coworkers (that won’t get you fired)

If you are stumped, and can’t think of any gift ideas for coworkers, perhaps you are trying too hard. Maybe you are so frustrated because you are trying to think of something thoughtful or meaningful, when really all you need to do is relax and be yourself. If you are a laid back person or the gift receiver is always joking, why not just buy something that will invoke a few laughs? Below are a few funny gifts for coworkers that won’t get you fired. Well, hopefully not anyway! [Read more…]

10 Office-Themed Movie DVDs

I don’t like to watch movies about work.

For me, the movies are about escapism. Let me see something I don’t normally get a glimpse of. However, these movies about work make great gifts for coworkers when you’re stumped on what to buy them.

Check out our list and add your picks in the comments section.

Office Space
If you haven’t seen the movie, you clearly have been buried under a mountain of paperwork and beaten into submission by incompetent supervisors.  With a mainstream following, this is the go-to office movie that is guaranteed to make everyone LOL.

“We don’t have a lot of time on this earth! We weren’t meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements.” – Peter Gibbons, Office Space [Read more…]