If you are trying to come up with gift ideas for coworkers, and you are getting yourself all stressed out, then perhaps you need to indulge in a little chocolate for inspiration. After all, everyone likes chocolate, right? Well, could chocolate be the answer? Could the perfect gift be something as simple as an ingredient that can tempt anyone’s taste buds? Well, before you get any ideas about just buying a bag of chocolates, you should know that if you are participating in a Secret Santa, things to dip in chocolate are much more original and appreciated. [Read more…]
Coworker Gift Idea: Make Your Own Movie Night Basket
Staying in and watching a movie can be the ultimate in comfort and recreation. Making your own movie night bucket as a gift idea for coworkers is a gift that is easy to create and is always well received. The great news is that it is relatively inexpensive and shows a level of thoughtfulness that can go a long way at work.
Many of the these items can be purchased in large quantities at a deep discount, meaning the more coworker gifts you give, the lower your cost per person.
Cardboard Popcorn Bucket
Plastic Bucket
Flower Pot
Movie Theater Style
Jiffy Pop
Popcorn Flavoring
Sno-Caps Concession Box
Goobers Concession Size
Candy in Bulk
Regal Entertainment Group
AMC Gift Card Collection
Fandango Gift Card Collection
Free Netflix Trial
Don’t feel like putting together your own movie kit as a coworker gift? Consider these movie-themed baskets that are already made for you.
Popcorn Lovers/Night At The Movies Gift Basket Stack
Concession Stand Popcorn & Candy Gift Set
Double Feature Movie Gift Basket
Movie Candy Gift Tower
Just a a little tissue paper and a thoughtful note and your movie night basket will be complete.