Looking for bulk Christmas gifts for coworkers is no easy task. First, you likely have a tight budget. And as badly as you would like to spend money on coworkers, it’s not always an option. Secondly, you want to make sure that your holiday gifts can be delivered and distributed quickly. Because after all, nothing is more valuable than your time. Thirdly, you want to make sure the small presents are useful and appropriate. In these politically correct times it is far too easy to misstep and give a gift that can be taken the wrong way. And last but not least, you want it to be something that is useful and functional and that they will appreciate.
Fear not! We have put together a list of bulk Christmas gifts for coworkers that will please everyone on your list.
As an intern, I’ll never forget receiving an umbrella from one of our sales reps. He gave one to everyone, regardless of position. It was a thoughtful and useful gift. Everyone and their mother can appreciate a small and compact umbrella that is functional and neutral in color. Every time it rains and they arrive to work dry they will be grateful for your gift.
A desk fan or cubicle heater
Let’s be honest, the thermostat is a contentious item in the workplace…assuming you can even find it and change it! Sort of like Goldilocks, no one can ever seem to agree on the right temperature. Consider a small cubicle fan or desk heater so that your employees can take temperatures into their own hands. It will empower them, and more importantly, make them comfortable. While not the cheapest on our list of bulk Christmas gifts for coworkers, definitely one of the more useful ideas.
8-in-1 Kitchen Tool Set
All those parts stack together in the shape of a wine bottle! Combines 8 different kitchen tools into one: funnel, juicer, grater, egg cracker, shredder, can opener, egg separator and measuring cup. No need to purchase your kitchen tools separately!
A fitness tracker
Thanks to the prevalence of these devices, wearable technology has never been more affordable. You’ll be shocked to find how inexpensive these devices can be and how much they will be appreciated by your employees. Whether you setup your own step challenge among employees and offer up a reward, or simply just give the gift for them to do with as they will, movement keeps us alive and we all know that the office doesn’t usually promote that. It’s one of those bulk Christmas gifts for coworkers that will seem more expensive than it really was.
Most people drive, and even if they don’t, these kits contain many useful items that can come in handy in a pinch. From an illuminating device to a weatherproof pen, these types of token gifts and great because they are the kinds of things that people general don’t spend their own money on – which is another reason why it’s a great gift idea!
We mentioned earlier that there’s nothing more valuable than time. Remind your employees of that by giving them additional time away from the office if you can. It won’t take any money out of your wallet and is generally the most appreciated commodity on the planet. If your corporate structure can’t accommodate time as a gift, do the next best thing, and get them a nice alarm clock. It’s a bulk Christmas gifts for coworkers that is practical, plus they will never have an excuse for being late again.
Cheap drones
Years ago a cheap drone with camera was several hundred dollars. These days, you can pick up an inexpensive drone, stacked with cool features, for well under $50. Be the envy of your coworkers when you present the ultimate bulk gift for the holidays: drones!
Coffee pods
Consider investing in it K-cup coffee machine. They are so inexpensive these days. And don’t forget to stock up on bulk coffee. This will keep your employees happy, help them socialize, and keep them alert and caffeinated. It’s a win-win situation. Check out these other community gifts for workers.
Key chains
Despite rapid advancements in technology, most of us are still trotting around a pretty hefty keyring. These days anything from a flashlight to a bottle opener to antibacterial gel hand be hanging off of a super compact key ring. People use their keys every day, so why not get someone to smile every time the lock or unlock a door.
Other ideas
There are plenty of other bulk gift such as unique pens, cool paper weights, even funky fish tanks for desks. You don’t have to spend a lot to get an employee to feel the appreciation. We have plenty of ideas that cost under $5 each, check them out here.
Remember, when giving out bulk Christmas gifts to coworkers, there are several rules to follow. You want to make sure that for the most part you are giving each person the same thing. The office can be like a fish bowl and if you appear to be playing favorites by customizing a gift for one employee and not another, it not only looks bad, but can land you in hot water.
You also want to make sure that you basically give everyone the gift at the same time. You will want to do it well ahead of the holiday before many employees are taking last minute vacation days.
Above all be sure to take care of your gift-buying earlier. We’re serious, there’s no better time to buy them today. Amazon can get it there in a day, but the last thing you need to do is be writing, labeling, and delivery at the last minute. You have enough to do during the holiday season, prep this one early!